scRNA-Seq – Nadia

Nadia takes scRNA-Seq to the next level by using automation and flexibility to generate high quality reproducible single cell data.

Nadia is an automated, microfluidic droplet-based platform for single cell research that encapsulates up to 8 samples, in parallel, in under 20 mins. Over 50,000 single cells can be captured per cartridge in a run. The fully automated Nadia Instrument guides users through all relevant steps of the experiment via an easy-to-use touchscreen interface.

Adding the Nadia Innovate upgrade to the Nadia instrument transforms it into an open system, for the development of novel protocols and applications.

  • Automation:Fully automated sample encapsulation.
  • Ease of use:Automatic detection of application-specific cartridges, touch screen interface and sample loading guide lights.
  • Scalability:Processing capability of up to 8 samples in parallel.
  • Temperature control:Automated sample chilling to maintain transcriptome state.
  • Single use cartridge:Disposable cartridges with no wetted parts to avoid cross contamination.
  • Truly single cell:Ultra low cell doublet rates due to gentle cell agitation
  • Single cell analysis software:Use Partek Flow software to seamlessly analyse Nadia data, without any prior bioinformatics experience.

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