The Telos® System is a breakthrough product for parallel microfluidic processes, including emulsion generation, micro-particle production, high throughput mixing and microreactions. This modular, scalable, and highly flexible system removes the low throughput limitation of individual microfluidic chips, enabling litres of droplets or particles to be produced in a day. Up to 10 Telos® modules can be assembled in parallel. Each module holds a microfluidic chip typically with 7 junctions, enabling a total of 70 parallel junctions to be run at once. All junctions are visible from above and below for illumination and optical access. The modules also have integrated valves providing excellent flow control during priming and operation and optional integrated filters on all input streams. The Telos® system can be configured to allow collection of the output streams into a bulk fluid reservoir or into parallel tubing to allow downstream process steps. Telos® operates from 0-10bar (150psi) and 4-80°C. Fast set-up time is achieved with tool-free assembly of modules, chips, valve blocks and connectors.