- Product Manufacturer : SensoQuest
- ITEM ID : INR2816
- Model : Labcycler 48
- Year : 2010
- Price : ₪22,328
- Recycled price : ₪12,800
- צור קשר
The Labcycler 48 contains a thermoblock with 48 wells for 0.2 ml tubes in an array of 6 x 8. SensoQuest offers a low cost version with aluminium block and an exclusive s-version with gold plated silver block. Working with single tubes and stripes is possible. Temperature programs can be stored in directories that can optionally be protected by passwords up to 64 individual users. Programs can be copied between Labcycler 48 and the bigger Labcyclers Basic and Gradient.
TFT touchscreen
Automatic lid
Optional with 8-zones-gradient
Heating and cooling rate up to 5 °C/s
Temperature and time in(de)crements
Automatic Re-start
Low energy consumption
Password protection for 64 users