New MX908 feature – Fentanyl Classifier

908 Devices’ MX908 out-designs designer drugs
Unlocks detection capabilities for more than 2000 fentanyl variants
October 11, 2018 – Boston, MA – 908 Devices, a pioneer of purpose-built analytical devices for chemical
and biomolecular analysis, today announced the addition of a novel predictive fentanyl classifier for
their MX908 multi-mission trace chemical detection device. The company recently previewed this new
capability with law enforcement at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2018
conference in Orlando.
Identification of fentanyl and its analogs is typically conducted using a library-based search that
compares an unknown field sample to a set of known, previously measured compounds. If no library
match is found, law enforcement officers have no immediate way to determine if a material is harmless,
or if it is a new fentanyl variant which poses a very dangerous exposure risk. With 2000+ possible
fentanyl variants, reliable library-based identification is next to impossible in the long term.
908 Devices has measured a broad range of fentanyl analogs with the MX908’s Drug Hunter mode and
identified predictable mass fragment loss patterns leading to the development of predictive
classification algorithms that can recognize the molecular structure of more than 2000 previously
undetectable fentanyl analogs. Up to 75% of novel analogs were detected in independent testing with
several government partners on standards and street level drug substances. This advance provides an
alert to law enforcement officials in minutes to a previously undetectable threat.
The Special Investigations & Narcotics Units at the Quincy, MA Police Department put the MX908 to
work in the field recently. “We have been using the MX908 for the past few months and it has already
proven to be a tremendous asset in the field for maintaining Officer safety while being able to detect
trace elements of multiple drugs in as short as 20-30 seconds,” said Patrick Glynn, Lieutenant Det.,
“Protecting the lives of responders and the public is critical. The fentanyl crisis is no longer just a drug
problem, it’s a public safety problem,” said Dr. Mark L. Norman, Product Manager for the MX908
platform. “New analogs hit the streets every day. This predictive capability future-proofs identification
of fentanyls for first responders – no other technology can do this.”
A simple, 2-minute software update brings this new predictive fentanyl classification capability to MX908 systems already deployed in the field.
About 908 Devices
908 Devices is setting off a revolution in how chemical analysis gets done. We offer point-of-need
chemical and biomolecular analysis devices ranging from rugged, handheld chemical detection tools to
compact, tiny footprint analyzers and fast separation devices. These purpose-built and user-centric
devices serve the life science, field forensics and other applied markets. 908 Devices is headquartered in
the heart of Boston where we research, design and manufacture innovative products based on highpressure
mass spectrometryTM (HPMS) and microfluidic separation technology. For more information,